I'm sorry for the lack of blog posts recently. It's been a bit crazy here. My elderly cocker spaniel is struggling with dementia on top of being profoundly deaf and suffering from arthritis. She needs special food and medicine and, most recently, has taken to waking in the middle of the night, barking to be let out into the garden. My son says I am giving canine palliative care. Which, in a way, I am.
All this while the publishing process rumbles on for Last Love. It's currently in editing, and I am setting up the ARC team and worrying about the cover; and also starting work on the first book in a new series (more on that in the next post). Right now, I've after your feedback on the cover options. Please visit this Facebook post link and tell me in the comments which is your preference. https://www.facebook.com/GillFernandezAuthor/posts/pfbid02AXUBuBiSYdMk2dhLYaKhw5cWCTY2yDtEECuaAQHxave4cckdq3fwJbZFa6wWhswDl